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Our Story

Master Salt Making | Atrisans

Welcome to the majestic Caucasus Mountains, the cradle of nature’s wonders and the birthplace of our extraordinary artisanal finishing salt.

Join us as we unveil the untold story of our unique product, meticulously crafted by the relentless forces of time and nature.

The Paratethys Realm

In the heart of what is now the Caucasus stood the vast, shimmering expanse known as the Paratethys realm. This extensive network of inland seas, which once encompassed the modern-day Black and Caspian Seas, served as a vibrant cradle for evolving life.

The Era of Purity and Natural Beauty

Envision a pristine Earth, brimming with vitality. A world where the air was untouched by modernity’s grasp, where waters flowed with the wisdom of ages, nurturing an abundant tapestry of life. Creatures of all kinds roamed these realms, thriving in harmony away from the burgeoning shadow of human influence. This was an era of untouched beauty, a testament to the Earth’s raw, flourishing magnificence.

Millennia ago, during the Miocene and Pliocene Epochs, a grand tectonic ballet unfolded beneath our feet, sculpting the awe-inspiring landscape we cherish today.

As these mountains ascended, ancient seas whispered their retreat, leaving behind their most precious gift—the crystalline essence of life itself, now the cornerstone of our exceptional salt.

The Caucasus

Behold the genesis of the Caucasus Mountains. Over millions of years, a relentless geological dance reshaped this region. The retreating waters of the Paratethys seas gradually unveiled their hidden treasure—a legacy of minerals meticulously preserved beneath these towering sentinels.

Among these geological heirlooms, salt—a symbol of both sustenance and preservation—emerges as a relic of these ancient processes. These salt deposits, are bastions of purity, untouched by the onslaught of modern pollutants.

Through our dedication to preserving the integrity of these natural gifts, we invite you to experience a piece of ancient history. Infused with the wisdom of the ages and the purity of the mountains, our salt does not merely enhance flavor—it enriches your culinary journey with its timeless story.

Our Production House

Situated in Dilijan, a picturesque town located in the Tavush Province of Armenia. Nestled within the Lesser Caucasus mountain range, it is often referred to as the “Switzerland of Armenia” due to its lush forests, rolling hills, and alpine climate.

During the 19th and early 20th centuries, Dilijan became known as a cultural hub, attracting artists, musicians, and intellectuals. Its natural beauty and serene environment made it a popular retreat for creative minds.

Our Salt

Harvested from ancient seabeds, our salt is a legacy of the vast Paratethys Sea, isolated and preserved over millennia. These salt deposits are carefully harvested using the vein water evaporation method – a technique that ensures our salt remains pure, free of heavy metals and other impurities, retaining all the natural minerals without any artificial additives or treatments.

Our Water

Renowned for its purity and mineral composition, our water begins its journey as raindrops and undergoes a natural filtration and mineralization process as it travels through the rugged mountain terrain that’s ubiquitous to the highlands of our region.

Filtration and mineralization occur as the water travels through layers of porous Basalt and Tuff volcanic stone.

These remnants of a volcanic era—marked by pyroclastic flows and rivers of lava—have solidified to form the dramatic landscape we cherish.

The clean, mineralized water is then meticulously filtered on-site through a seven-stage filtration system. This includes UV exposure, three stages of volcanic stone (Tuff), and three stages of carbon micron filtration, culminating in water that is not only free from contaminants but also boasts an ideal mineral profile for promoting healthy living.

How Its Made

The Elements converge to create our Signature Flake salts.

In the tranquil setting of our production house, we blend these pristine ingredients to form our proprietary salty brine.

The stage is set for the delicate process of crystallization.

The brine is gently heated under controlled conditions, allowing the formation of our unique, pyramid-shaped salt crystals. These crystals are a testament to our meticulous process—slowly forming and cascading to the bottom of our crystallization tanks.

Each crystal is hand-harvested by our skilled artisans, who ensure that each batch meets our exacting standards for taste and textural perfection. After harvesting, the salt flakes are dried using renewable energy sources, further preserving their natural flavor while maintaining our commitment to sustainability.

Finally, the dried salt flakes are ready to be packaged and delivered, promising not just a seasoning, but an enhancement to your culinary experiences, making every meal a celebration of purity and tradition.